Confirm or reject a booking request

Follow this guide if you receive a new booking request. A booking request is a Bookability setting you can choose for your rentals, along with instant booking and inquiry only. The guest will make a booking request, and you can accept it or not.

Follow these steps to accept or reject them.

  1. Go to your Main Menu in the top left corner and select Reservations.
  2. Enter the booking request marked in green with the Booking Status Open.
  3. In the blue notification, select Reject or Accept.
    💡 Note: If you have closed the blue notification without rejecting or accepting the request, you can click on the Quote Status Pending for owner and select an action from the drop-down menu:
    • Agree after Payment (Booking status becomes tentative)
    • Agree without Payment (Booking status becomes booked)
    • Reject (Booking status becomes declined)
  4. A new window will open up to send a message to the guest.

💡 Note: If your payment settings in your Policy are set to collect a Reservation Deposit upon booking confirmation, the message to the guest will automatically request the reservation deposit payment. If not, request the payment manually.



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