Edit guest details of a booking

You can make changes to the guest's details in a booking such as adding a phone number or changing the language you prefer to communicate with a particular guest.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Main Menu in the top left corner and select Reservations.
  2. Select the booking you want to edit, and click on the little pencil icon in the top right corner of the Guest box.Screenshot 2024-06-25 at 15.12.42.png
  3. A new slider will open up where you can edit:
    • The guest's name
    • Their email address
    • Their country of origin
    • Their preferred language of communication
      💡 Note: All automatic email notifications will be sent out in the selected language. If you don't have this language set up in your emails, they will be sent by default in English. Learn how to manage your automatic emails.
    • Their preferred phone number
    • The check-in and check-out time.
      💡 Notes:
      • If the guest filled in the online check-in form, the check-in time will be updated here automatically.
      • This information will also be sent to third-party applications like Chekin, along with the rest of the guest's information.
  4. Then click Confirm to save all changes.
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