18 Articles

Download the Lodgify mobile app and manage notifications

Manage your bookings with ease from anywhere with the Lodgify app. The app provides easy access to your Reservation System, payments and rental details and allows you to create a shortcut on your s...

Find your User ID

If you are contacting us, we may ask for your User ID, a six-digit unique identifier associated with your Lodgify account. This ID help us access and gather specific information on your account. It...

Enhance your account security

Strengthen your account by using two-factor authentication (2FA) and other security measures. Learn how to set up 2FA and explore additional ways to protect your account from unauthorized access. R...

Automatically translate Lodgify's help articles

Our Knowledge Base articles currently exist in English, Spanish, French and Italian. However, if none is your first language, and you are struggling to understand some parts, we recommend using Goo...

Sign up for a Lodgify free trial

This article explains how to quickly sign up to Lodgify and enjoy 7 days of free trial without commitments or obligations. Go to www.lodgify.com.  Click Get Started. Enter the number of rental y...

Dashboard - Set up your account

The Dashboard includes your account setup guide, which helps you keep track of your progress as you get started with Lodgify. Following this guide helps you optimize your use of Lodgify. Read about...

Dashboard - Use the Booking Agenda to manage your day to day

In the Dashboard, you can keep track of your account's setup and keep an easy overview of your upcoming bookings. Read about: Accessing the Booking Agenda How does it work? What do users see? Acc...

FAQ - Top 12 checklist to set up your Lodgify website

Follow this checklist to optimize your vacation rental site.     STYLES CHECKLIST Have you… Added a text or image Logo?  Added a Favicon? Customized your Color Palette? Uploaded high-quality photo...

FAQ - Important tips to make full use of your Lodgify website

If you are not sure if you have forgotten something during the setup of your website you can find below a quick checklist with links to make sure everything is under control and help you get the mo...

Contact us

Do you need help or have a question and want to get in touch with us? Then you can do so in a variety of different ways. You can either contact us via one of our online forms:    Use the Lodgify C...

Find your API key

An application programming interface key (API key) is a unique identifier used to authenticate your Lodgify account and connect it to other platforms such as PriceLabs, Airbnb, and many more. To fi...

Lodgify Resources

We know running a vacation rental business can be overwhelming. At Lodgify, we want to help you improve your business by giving you insights into best practices on how to increase your occupancy ra...

FAQ - Forms of payment

Your website could feature one or more forms of payment for your guest's bookings, ranging from credit card or direct debit to PayPal and Manual payments. This article will give you a quick overvie...

FAQ - Connect to external booking channels

Synchronize Lodgify with your listings on external booking channels, so that your availability is always up-to-date, and reservation details can be accessed in your Lodgify reservation system. We d...

FAQ - Use a custom domain

Upon signing up with Lodgify, a domain is automatically created for you based on your username. Whilst you can always amend the first part of this domain (yourusername.lodgify.com) to your liking, ...

FAQ - Register a new domain

Domain names are used to establish a unique web identity. With Lodgify you can register a new one that can be personalized when you sign up for a yearly/bi-yearly subscription. It is useful if you ...

FAQ - Export and import your calendar via iCal

If you receive bookings via your website as well as other booking platforms or use an external reservation system, you can export your Lodgify bookings to an external calendar, or, at the reverse, ...

GDPR - a basic guide for Lodgify users

Disclaimer: We would like to make clear that this article is provided for informational purposes only and may not be construed as legal advice. While Lodgify is making sure that its own operations ...