Update or assign fees and taxes in bulk

If you have more than one rental, you can assign the same taxes and fees to several rentals and can update them in bulk in case you need to make changes. This will save you valuable time and make sure your taxes are always updated for all your rentals. To update or assign taxes and fees in bulk you can do so either in the rental or in the settings section. 

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Create and assign taxes or fees in bulk in the settings section

To create a tax or fee in the settings section and assign it to several of your rentals, you need to follow the below steps:

  1. Go to your Main Menu in the top left corner and select Settings.
  2. A new page appears. From the left menu bar select Local taxes or Fees.
  3. Now click Create local tax / Create fee, and start configuring the tax/fee. Screenshot
  4. Once you have done the basic configuration, you can select which rentals you want to assign this tax/fee to. Then Save.

The Fees and Local taxes will be assigned to all the rentals selected in the slider list.

Create and assign taxes or fees in bulk from the rental section

To create a tax or fee in the rental section and assign it to several of your rentals, you need to follow the below steps:

  1. Go to your Main Menu in the top left corner and select Rentals.
  2. Choose the rental you want to amend and select Fees & Taxes. 
  3. Now click Assign local taxes, and then select Assign local tax / Assign fees.
  4. Start creating the tax/fee and then select which rentals you want to assign this tax/fee to. Then save.

The fee/tax will be assigned to all the rentals selected in the slider list.

💡 Note: If you assign a tax/fee to a rental with a different currency, the toggle use default amount will be automatically disabled for this rental, and the value of the fee/tax will be updated based on the parity between the fee/tax currency and the rental currency.

Example: The fee was set up as a flat fee of 50€, and you assign this fee to a rental that is set up in USD.
➡ the fee for this rental is converted automatically into USD, and the toggle to use the default amount is switched off.Screenshot

Update taxes or fees in bulk 

If you need to make changes to a tax/fee that is assigned to various rentals, you can do so following these steps:

  1. Go to your Main Menu in the top left corner and select Settings.
  2. A new page appears. From the left menu bar, select Local taxes or Fees.
  3. Now click on the three dots next to the tax/fee you want to update, and select Edit tax / Edit fee. Screenshot
  4. In the slider that will open up, you can amend the amount or the concept of the tax/fee and can then save. The changes will be applied to all rentals this fee/tax is assigned to. 

💡 Note: In case you don't want to update the tax/fee for all assigned rentals, you will need to unassign the rentals that are not applicable for the change, and create a new tax/fee for these rentals.

Assign existing taxes or fees in bulk

If you want to assign an existing tax/fee to various rentals, you can do so following these steps:

  1. Go to your Main Menu in the top left corner and select Settings.
  2. A new page appears. From the left menu bar, select Local taxes or Fees.
  3. Now click on the three dots next to the tax/fee that you want to assign, and select Assign rental. Screenshot
  4. In the slider that will open up, you can select from the list of rentals which rental you want to assign this fee/tax to. Then Save.
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