If you have a website with multiple rentals, Lodgify will automatically create a meta description and a list of keywords for each rental that is created and assigned to the website.
However, if you ever want to change these or any other page setting, you need to follow the steps below, as your rentals will be grouped together on the All Rentals page. You will then not have direct access to the page settings of each rental.
Important: This is a legacy feature that is only available in the old website builder version, recognizable by its orange design in the Pages tab:
To edit the metadata of a rental, follow these steps:
- Make sure the numerical IDs of your website's URLs are not hidden.
Go to your Website builder. - In the Settings tab, click Advanced and make sure the Hide the pages IDs box is unticked. Click on save.
If the box was already unticked, jump to step 3. - Then, go to your live website, click on All properties, and select a rental from the drop-down menu.
Now go to your browser bar and copy the page_Id for this rental from the URL. For example, for this rental page, https://barcelona-living.lodgify.com/en/990488/barcelona-poble-sec---central-flat.
- Then go to Lodgify and into your Pages section.
- In the Header navigation, click Home and insert the rental's page Id (990488) in the URL.
Previous URL: https://www.lodgify.com/oh/PropertyOwner/Pages?oid=166252#/content/943142/en
Modified URL: https://www.lodgify.com/oh/PropertyOwner/Pages?oid=166252#/content/990488/en - Now click Edit Settings, and you will be able to start editing the rental's metadata and page settings. Then save, and publish your website.
💡 Note: You will need to repeat this process for all rentals in all languages.