Edit the rental contact information

To add contact details to a rental you can either choose to use the same details you have registered in your Lodgify account or set up a different rental contact, for example, your Owner's contact details. 

💡 Note: The email address you have configured in your contact details is the one where you will receive all bookings and booking inquiries for the rental.

  1. Go to your Main Menu in the top left corner and select Rentals. 
  2. Choose the rental where you want to change the contact details and select Contact.
  3. You will see that the contact information from your Lodgify Account has already been filled in. You can either use this one, or select Use Custom Contact Information and click the pencil icon.Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 12.27.31.png
  4. Now update the contact details, upload a profile picture and write a few words about yourself to introduce you to your guests. If you don't want any phone numbers to be visible on your website, tick Hide all phone numbers from my websites.

💡 Notes:

  • If you would like to edit your account contact details at any point, you can do so in My Account. But be aware that if you change the email for booking notifications in your main contact details in My Account, this will also change your account login details.
  • If you have an external Owner assigned to the rental and have given them the right to edit the House Contact Information, you will no longer be able to edit the contact info yourself. Learn how to manage your owner accounts.
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